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Instart Logic and Yottaa vs Traditional CDNs

Instart Logic and Yottaa, the fast growing hybrid CDNs backed by top tier VC’s, take the traditional CDN model, and flip it on its head. Both companies aim to improve the content delivery performance across the wireless last mile for mobile users. They take “Time to Render, Time to First Paint, and Time to Display” to a whole new level.

Their mission is to improve the mobile customer experience by rending web pages quickly when requested by the browser. Instart Logic and Yottaa go about accomplishing the same thing in different ways, not only from a marketing perspective, but from a technology standpoint. They are creating and leading this new category in the CDN ecosystem. One word encompasses who they are, “visionaries”. 

 Instart Logic Web Application Streaming

Instart Logic takes the traditional middle mile acceleration features, like DSA and FEO, and flips it backwards. The idea behind their technology is genius. A traditional CDN offers middle mile acceleration, starting from the web origin server located in the customer data center, to the browser, and everything in between.

The CDNs middle mile acceleration techniques are known as Dynamic Site Acceleration / Application Delivery Network and Front-end Optimization. In a nutshell, DSA manipulates the TCP/IP protocol to send/receive more packets, and FEO uses compression technology to combine files such as images/JS/CSS, in order to reduce the round trips, getting more bang for the buck.

On the other hand, Instart Logic focuses on the browser, and how it renders the page, and all of it elements, in the most efficient manner. They have the traditional CDN infrastructure in place, however, they add more to it, and have created a product called the Nanovisor, which is a VM that sits on top of the browser, and the Appsequencer, which is an application sitting in the POP closest to the end user.

Together, the Nanovisor and Appsequencer create a point-to-point communications channel, where they talk to each other about the rendering aspects of the applications coming through to the browser. When a file, image, or piece of content is loaded via the browser, their technology renders the most critical elements first, in order to paint a picture, where the end user can start interacting with the website.

Yottaa, User Engagement

Yottaa takes a different approach than Instart Logic. Yotta uses it traditional CDN, including DSA and FEO technologies, combines it with a robust feature called the Application Sequencing, in order to render pages quickly on mobile devices. The reason they do it in this fashion is because Yottaa started off as a traditional CDN, similar to Limelight, than mid-way through its business life cycle, pivoted in a different direction, and decided to focus on the new paradigm of “User Engagement”.

Yottaa takes a piece from Instart Logic, applies it to traditional CDN, and creates a robust reporting feature set of user engagement metrics, that are applicable to CMO’s and Web Marketing teams. Yotta does an excellent job on the reporting metrics, so much so that it is probably one of the top two CDNs offering these type of metrics on mobile and user engagement.


Instart Logic and Yottaa are extremely innovative, perhaps the most innovative of all CDNs when it comes to mobile application delivery performance, across the wireless last mile. They have created a category in the CDN industry for themselves, and have been successful in winning new customers, including some of the Fortune 500.  The market is big enough to support both players. My prediction is that Instart Logic gets acquired by Google or Akamai, and Yottaa finds a way to go public in the next 5 years. Instart Logic and Yottaa vs Traditional CDNs

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