Market Fragmentation – CDN Ecosystem Diagram v17

The CDN Ecosystem continues to flourish, as new players enter the industry with unique features and business models. The latest trio of entrants are the RAN based CDN innovators. They include Rev Software, Twin Prime and Kwicr. Rev Software has a full scale CDN, and Twin Prime + Kwicr optimize the delivery of content in the RAN last mile. The key feature of the RAN based CDN is their SDK mobile app. The SDK is an easy-to-install software program that CDN enables the mobile devices, making it easier for the mobile device to communicate with the CDN PoP. The timing for the RAN CDN is perfect, as the next generation of 4G, WiFi, and IoT takes off. All signs are pointing to the fact that the next five years may possibly be the best period in CDN growth ever. Why? Because there will be 5B+ mobile devices in five years, and IoT will be mainstream.

Ecosystem Updates

  • RAN CDNs: RAN based CDNs offer wireless last mile solutions in the RAN
  • Octoshape: No longer listed, since they’ve been acquired by Akamai
  • Big 4 CDNs: Infrastructure heavy global CDNs; each has 10,000 servers plus in deployment and push Tbps of sustained bandwidth

CDN Ecosystem v17

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