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Limelight Networks Introduces EdgeQuery Analytics

Limelight recently rolled out EdgeQuery Analytics, a new suite of tools for businesses that record, manage, and interpret website traffic and user data patterns. EdgeQuery’s real-time aggregation software can help businesses better understand how their users interact with their websites, products, and online materials.

EdgeQuery introduces a number of streamlined tools to Limelight’s CDN analytics portfolio. Businesses can predict when their networks will hit peak traffic and optimize delivery while minimizing cost. EdgeQuery reports, like other data analyses, will gather and interpret standard user interactions and data movement in and out of a given CDN. They will manage and provide updates on a website’s network status. But these reports can also help business recognize cryptic problems or missed growth potential and offer specific solutions.

Businesses can use EdgeQuery in one of two ways. For the more traditional method, EdgeQuery will produce real-time and scheduled reports of all relevant data and provide general insights into how a business could improve and multiply user interactions, optimize network usage, and minimize cost. Businesses looking to first understand how their users generally access their network can get a comprehensive portrait of a typical user experience. In many ways these reports mirror the industry standard on data analyses.

The newer method—called Custom Query—produces targeted, customized reports to businesses based on pre-determined factors. Custom Query allows a business to customize its analysis to fit its particular needs by requesting specific measurements or parameters—end user interactions, site traffic by geographic region, URL client data—and then producing insights about those particular parameters. Businesses can use these insights to familiarize themselves with their user base and achieve company goals. The Custom Query method allows a business to hone in on more narrowly defined problems and tackle them using specially customized data reports.

EdgeQuery also features a newly modernized visual aesthetic. Interactive interfaces translate troves of raw data into charts, graphs, and a variety of multi-dimensional visualizations. Multiple tabs tell different stories about different data categories. Workflows emphasize growth, analytical insights, and actionable solutions to stagnated traffic or less-than-ideal user interactions. And the streamlined design can helps businesses pinpoint certain data sets for much-needed scrutiny.

Ultimately these analytic toolkits are designed to save businesses money and time while ensuring maximum user satisfaction. Updated and uniquely designed programs like EdgeQuery not only make it easier on the business owner—for interpreting obscure problems and generating novel solutions—but also make it easier for users to connect to the sites, services, and products they want and need.

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