Google Introduces Reinforcement Learning Framework

Last week, Google released its new reinforcement learning (RL) framework, Dopamine, based on its machine learning library, Tensorflow. The search giant has open sourced the innovative new framework to GitHub where it is now openly available. “Inspired by one of

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DeepMind Developing Algorithms That Imagine

Two recently published research papers from DeepMind outline their development of new machine-learning architectures with the ability to imagine, reason, and plan for optimal behaviors within an uncontrolled environment. Unlike AlphaGo and other machine-learning models that operate within environments with

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China’s Quest to Become the Leading AI Juggernaut

Last week, a policy statement from the State Council announced China’s intention to become a leader in artificial intelligence research, products, and innovation. The statement included plans for China to become competitive with the US and other countries in AI

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DeepMind Lab is Open Sourcing Its AI Platform

DeepMind, the Google-owned startup behind AlphaGo, has announced that it is open-sourcing its flagship platform, DeepMind Lab, to spur further research and innovation in artificial intelligence. The long-term goal is to eventually develop sophisticated cognitive systems that can learn to

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The Differentiable Neural Computer

Modern conceptions of memory are a little more nuanced than those from the past, holding that memories are reconstructed and reprocessed based on the problem at hand, and that the questions that are posed influence how memories are recalled. To

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Blizzard Embraces AI for Starcraft II

DeepMind, the Google-owned AI startup behind AlphaGo, is collaborating with Blizzard to open the popular Starcraft II game to AI and machine learning research. The goal is to foster advancements in artificial intelligence to the extent that it can solve

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